Lessons in Gratitude from a Safety Deposit Box

Hand drawn illustration of a safe with coins coming out of it

A couple weeks before Christmas, Lyn says, 

"Did you see that the rates for safety deposit boxes are going up ? Do we still have ours ?"


safety deposit box (noun)

safe·ty de·​pos·​it box ('sāf-tē di-'pä-zet ‘bäks)

Remember the scene in the Swiss bank near the beginning of "The Bourne Identity" ? That’s a safety deposit box.

"I didn’t see that, and yes we do but I don’t think we have anything in it. Maybe it’s time to turn in the keys."

A couple days later, I'm at the bank and the teller says,

"How can I help you today ?"

"I’m here to surrender our safety deposit box—and I have no idea what’s in it !"

We fill out the paperwork, then she motions,

"Come with me."

To add a little humour, I make a reference to The Bourne Identity movie and after playing back the scene, quickly realize I landed on an inappropriate pop culture reference.

She uses her key to open the exterior lock.

"I’ll leave you in private."

"No need to do that." I respond.

Sure enough, my key fits. I place the box on the counter and slide open the top.

It’s been almost 30 years since this box has seen the light of day. I can’t believe what I see.

Inside the safety deposit box are 2 savings bonds (one for each of the kids)—gifts from their late Nanny Mae. Also from Nanny Mae & Grampie are two sets of Canadian Mint issued, 1995 quarters depicting each Canadian province—one set for each Nick and Stef.

Lynda put these treasures together as a special gift for our kids. It was quite moving to have Nanny Mae back with us on Christmas morning in a very unexpected way.

Here’s the thing, these treasures were here all along. We had just forgotten about them. Isn’t that so often the case, the same way in life ? We forget or take for granted the special people, relationships, freedoms and privileges we have—often only remembering them when we lose them. Psychologists call it "adaptation" and it happens in all aspects of life.

So for you. This week. Yes, this week, notice a treasure in your life that you may have forgotten or may have been neglecting. And then take one small step to showing your gratitude for having that treasure in your life.

PS: one more thing, in our safety deposit box there is also a key to another safety deposit box. I’m tracking that one down and while it’s not solved yet, I’m pretty sure it's a key for a box owned by our parents which has since been surrendered !

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