We never stop being grateful, and neither should you. Steve wants to make sure everyone has access to valuable tools that support mastering grateful leadership and living a grateful life. Tens of thousands of people around the world have used his FREE resources to better their lives and workplaces with his guidance and support.
We have always believed that knowledge is power and as we share ideas, we empower each other and empower the world.

Perpetual Gratitude is a regular reminder to help you and your people build and maintain an amazing workplace culture rooted in gratitude. The program consists of a weekly 4-7 minute video that contains a story that illustrates a key aspect of Grateful Leadership and concludes with a challenge. The messages and stories convey timeless truths giving you a different weekly message to multiply your efforts in building a culture that attracts and retains awesome people.
We’re sharing the best practices drawn from 17 years of working with clients who truly embrace gratitude at work. Use this DIY free resource to institute a mindset of excellence and build a more positive, engaging and productive workplace. We’re holding nothing back with the Playbook - we want to get these game-changing ideas in the hands of as many workplaces as possible.
*We are continually updating the Playbook with the newest information. The live playbook is best viewed from a desktop computer. To download the Playbook in PDF format, please use the form.
One of the precious gifts of being a grandfather is that greeting cards include special messages from the grandkids—no matter their age.
It’s a couple weeks back, Max arrives with my birthday card but he doesn’t seem his normal upbeat self.
A couple weeks before Christmas, Lyn says, "Did you see that the rates for safety deposit boxes are going up ? Do we still have ours ?" <more>
Our daughter Stef reminded me of a treasured experience over the holidays as she was dealing with sick kids.
"Remember that night at the hospital Dad ?"
"What night ?" <more>
Have you ever seen what happens in an airplane after the very last passenger deplanes ?
In an effort to be helpful on a recent flight, I put my carry-on bag under the seat in front of me. While doing so, I am as loud and as attention getting as possible to ensure <more>
A couple weeks back, Max was having his weekly sleep over at our place. As we’re getting ready for bed, he comes racing downstairs, heads to the freezer, grabs an ice cube, looks up and asks,