The comedian's reminder - something everyone should be proud of

As part of a conference where I spoke last week, the organizers featured a comedian at the gala dinner. The conference was in the beautiful town of St Andrew’s by the Sea, New Brunswick and the comedian was James Mullinger, a Brit who moved to southwest New Brunswick about 10 years ago.
Of course his show was funny - you’d expect that from a comedian. But he had a twist I wasn’t expecting and suspect many others weren’t expecting. In his show he talked about what he loves in the region and he showcased example after example of people and places and events that define the culture of the region.
The next morning, the impact of his words hit home to me after talking to a few of the people from the region. As her hands expanded outward from her heart, one person said,
"James reminded me why I am so proud to be a New Brunswicker."
It was a joy to experience her joy.
Here’s the thing and it’s pretty dang simple. Be proud of where you’re from.
As humans we have the tendency to forget the tailwinds in our life and easily take for granted what is familiar - like the place in the world we call home.
My hope for you is that you absolutely love the place you call home and your heart swells with pride at the mere mention of your town or city, state or province, and country.
Take a moment to reflect on the community in which you live. And please, in the comments, tell us where you call home and what you’re grateful for about it.
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