Your brain is a magnet: how to train it to attract what you want

Whether you realize it or not, your brain is a magnet. It notices and attracts whatever dominates your thinking.
If you worry, focus on what could go wrong, ruminate over past mistakes or an unpleasant future, your brain is going to look for more of this in the world around you. As a result, you are going to feel pretty crappy most of the time.
On the other hand, if you notice all the people who support you, recognize the fundamental good fortune and privilege you have (at whatever level it may be), are excited about what the future can bring, celebrate other people’s successes, your brain is trained to reinforce what you think about and it’ll be on the lookout for more. You will see things that are invisible when you’re in a negative frame of mind. No surprise, with this positive mindset, you are going to feel like life is a playground.
If you would like to feel more positive and that life is a playground, it begins by training your brain to become a positivity magnet. To do this, simply start or step up your gratitude practice.
To start a practice - make a list of what you’re grateful for. Write it down or type it into a device. Shoot for 7 days a week. If this seems like too much of a stretch for you, set a goal for 2 or 3 times a week and build up from there. It’s very important that on the days you plan to make your list, you set an alarm or notification reminder at a time of day that works for you (i.e. for those with kids, a bad time would be while you’re in the middle of getting the kids out the door for school).
To step up your practice - involve someone else in your gratitude practice by sharing your gratitudes with them and having them share their gratitudes with you. If you’re struggling to find someone, I’ll be that person for you—just send me an email and we’ll get started.
It doesn’t get any simpler and it doesn’t need to be more complex.
What has worked for you in starting or stepping up a gratitude routine ?
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