A Miracle for Dad’s Vision

Hand drawn illustration of everyday miracles you are grateful for

For the past 5 years I’ve been accompanying my Dad at appointments with his Ophthalmologist. Having had 3 cornea transplants, now blind in one eye and very poor vision in the other eye, the doctor follows Dad closely.

For at least 4 years, Dad has been having a lot of glare in his good eye, which substantially further deteriorates his vision. The glare comes and goes without rhyme nor reason so it has been very difficult to diagnose and find a solution.

Last week they tried something new.

They surmised that because the surface of Dad's has become extremely uneven, when a ray of light hits his eye, the light scatters in all directions, which generates the glare and impairs his vision. So they thought if they took a hard contact lens, filled it with saline solution and mounted it over his eye, the solution would fill in the cracks and create a smooth surface and enable the light ray to travel uninterrupted.

She puts a couple drops in the lens and I watch intently as the Optometrist gently raises the contact lens into Dad's eye.

She can immediately see from the look on Dad’s face it's worked.

Presto. He can see. Clearly see. No glare.  

Dad makes some snarky remark to me about my teeth. His comment bounces off me because I am so caught up with emotion.

Not perfect vision, but close to it. His "good eye" now truly is a good eye.

It feels like a miracle and it’s an obvious miracle of course. And for this, Dad and his entire family are immensely grateful.

But what about the everyday miracles that aren’t so obvious ?

  • the beating of your heart in your chest

  • the sound of the birds chirping in the morning

  • the air you breathe

  • the people who have your back

  • the taming of electricity

  • the water and food that nourishes you

  • your body’s ability to heal a cut

Why don’t you take 15 seconds and notice a miracle that is in front of you right now. I guarantee you’ll find one !

And there's only one appropriate response: Be grateful.

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