Steve Foran Steve Foran

Lessons from a Stuck Suitcase

Have you ever seen what happens in an airplane after the very last passenger deplanes ?

In an effort to be helpful on a recent flight, I put my carry-on bag under the seat in front of me. While doing so, I am as loud and as attention getting as possible to ensure <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Leadership and Luck: Recognizing Everyday Miracles

There is a lot to be grateful for that is impossible to attribute to any other human being. As a result, we tend to acknowledge and thank God, a Higher Power or perhaps we may attribute our good fortune to serendipity. For example, think of the gift of being alive today ! Life truly is a miracle that is difficult to fully understand.

A recent experience made me realize <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

How to prevent your gratitude practice from going stale

Last week I received an email from an audience member who participated in one of my programs on the previous day. He had a question:

I’m writing my gratitudes today and they don’t look much different than what I wrote yesterday. How do you avoid your gratitude practice becoming mechanical ? 


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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Leadership Lessons from a Grandmother’s Love

For the past year our two-year old grandson Liam has been having a weekly sleepover at our place. I just discovered that after Lynda drops Liam at preschool in the morning, she sends a text to his parents - and she does so as if Liam is sending the message.

Before you read Liam's text, one thing you need to understand is that Lynda’s gramma name is "Me". Yes, it is very confusing and we blame that on our oldest grandson, Max who coined the name Me. 

Anyhow, here is Liam's most recent message to his Mom and Dad,For the past year our two-year old grandson Liam has been having a weekly sleepover at our place. I just discovered that after Lynda drops Liam at preschool in the morning, she sends a text to his parents - and she does so as if Liam is sending the message.

Anyhow, here is Liam's most recent message, <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

From Frustration to Solution: A Mindset Shift

We recently got approved for financing to add solar panels to our home. It’s a pretty sweet financing arrangement and I wish I could say the process went as sweet.

Let’s back up.

I’ve got everything entered into the online system and <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

What if you only had what you’re grateful for

Reading other people’s gratitudes is an important habit to cultivate to build a world class mindset. To support people with this practice, I send a weekday email that has 6 gratitudes—3 from me and 3 from a guest and each week we have a different guest.

One of our recent guests, Laura Vaughan, shared an idea that stopped me in my tracks: <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

A Miracle for Dad’s Vision

For the past 5 years I’ve been accompanying my Dad at appointments with his Ophthalmologist. Having had 3 cornea transplants, now blind in one eye and very poor vision in the other eye, the doctor follows Dad closely.

For at least 4 years, Dad has been <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

A Grandfather’s Promise of Hope

Think back to June 2020. We’re 3 months into Covid and I’m out on the street playing with our 5-year old grandson. We’re having a ball but I can tell he’s distracted. For starters, he can <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

The best answer to "What do you do ?"

A couple weeks back I’m dropping off my car in for regular service and the Service Advisor says, "Are you in the aviation business ?" He catches me off guard because I'm in my running gear and about to run home. So I give a rather short reply, "No." Looking back, I might have been a tad curt.

Grinning from ear to ear, he asks, "So what do you do ?"

I say, <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Begin anyway: Dealing with unsupportive leadership

One of the biggest challenges leaders face in trying to implementing gratitude into the fabric of their culture is that they have a limited scope of responsibility and that higher level leadership isn’t fully supportive. I know this as I frequently hear this is challenge for many leaders. In these situations their question is, "So what should I do ?" 

My answer begins with a story. <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Mindfulness vs. Forgetfulness: How to overcome the biggest threat to being grateful

I have a smartwatch—a watch so smart, it notices when I’m inactive and it nudges me to stand up, to move, to exercise. It’s paying attention to a few basic markers of living an active life. The data connects to an app on my phone which looks for trends and lets me know when I’m off track and on track. It’s been a game changer for me.

Just as physical activity is to physical health, so is gratitude to <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Greed or Gratitude - Guess what I picked ?

A couple of weeks ago a concert we were looking forward to was canceled. This was disappointing as we were looking forward to seeing the artist and it was going to be a fun weekend away. The good news is that the concert has already been rescheduled and the new dates do not conflict with our schedules.

Our airfare and hotel were refunded but we ended up stuck with 2 tickets to a hockey game. So I decided to put the tickets on the resale market and thought, "Maybe I can make some money on these babies." <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

The Power of Ethical Leadership

It’s 1993. I’m working at the electrical utility and we have a long standing supplier who has an innovative new product they’ve developed. We test a couple dozen for a few months and the account rep says, <more>

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Steve Foran Steve Foran

Caring Leadership: The key to engaged teams

If you don’t care about your people, you can stop reading now. 

So here’s a question for those of you who care, "Do your people know and believe you care about them ?" 

Many of your people will fall into one of two very distinct categories <more>

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