How to know when to step in and help

We had just returned home from a relaxing week of summer vacation and were looking forward to morning tea on the back deck. I slide open the patio door, take two steps, and I’m engulfed in a stench. I’m thinking, “I don’t know what that smell is, but we can’t have tea out here this morning.” So we have our tea on the front porch.

We settle in and I say, “What do you think that smell is Hon ?”

“It has to be a dead animal.”

“I’ll check.” And as I walk around the corner to the yard, just beside our deck, there it is—a large and very dead raccoon. While I felt bad for the creature, its look and smell were overwhelming.

I head out front. “Yup. It’s a racoon and I don’t think it’s sleeping. We need someone to take care of it.” We call 3 or 4 different animal control services, but everything is closed because of the civic holiday, so we leave messages and cross our fingers for a return call before we head out for an afternoon golf game.

We get to the first tee and still no call but we are pleasantly surprised to be paired up with one of my brother’s best friends, Greg. I tell him about the racoon and jokingly suggest that if one of his kids wants to earn $100 and a litre of egg nog, the racoon is all theirs. We have a ton of fun and as we’re leaving, Greg says, “Where do you live ?”

“What do you mean ?”

“I mean, where do you live ? I’ve got a truck and I’ll get rid of the racoon.”

“Really ! You’re a gem.”

He arrives at our place. I grab two shovels and off we go. I had to help, but I really wasn’t much help at all because I almost lost my cookies as we lift the rotting carcass into a box. It takes no more than 3 minutes and he won’t take anything in return. “I’m just happy to help.” he says.

So for you, who in your circle needs some help this week ? And even if they haven’t asked you for help, let’s be like Greg and give them a hand.

POSTSCRIPT: In gratitude, we dropped a dozen of Greg’s favourite golf balls to him and wished him well as he prepared to defend his title in the upcoming club championship - in which he placed second I believe.

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