Perpetual Gratitude is a regular reminder to help you and your people build and maintain an amazing workplace culture rooted in gratitude. The program consists of a weekly 4-7 minute video that contains a story that illustrates a key aspect of Grateful Leadership and concludes with a challenge. The messages and stories convey timeless truths giving you a different weekly message to multiply your efforts in building a culture that attracts and retains awesome people.
Sign up below for a 4-week free trial of Perpetual Gratitude.
Simple... let's talk...
I would love to discuss your business, your team, your goals and how you can get started on the path to grateful leadership.
Feel free to contact me directly with any questions or concerns you might have. I would love to chat and get to know where you are today and where you would like to go!
A couple weeks back, Max was having his weekly sleep over at our place. As we’re getting ready for bed, he comes racing downstairs, heads to the freezer, grabs an ice cube, looks up and asks,