Word of the Day - Pronoia
This ain’t no April Fool’s joke - I’m declaring pronoia as the word of the day !
Most people have heard of paranoia - the belief that everyone is conspiring against you. But what about pronoia? Pronoia is the belief that everyone is conspiring <more>
Oxytocin makes a grown man cry
We just got back from a relaxing vacation in Mexico last Wednesday. Ok, there was a day or two where it felt a bit tenuous.
While there was some talk of COVID19 around the pool, the only visible sign that something dramatic was happening in the world was the steady <more>
Lessons from a 4-year old and 57-year old: How to live life as a playground
I’ve been wearing two wrist watches for six months. One watch was given to me 12 years ago by my brother—it’s my very nice dressy watch. The other is an electronic GPS golf watch, which I later discovered also keeps track of activity and sleep so it now serves as my health monitor.
Over the last six months only two people have <more>
How to be grateful in the midst of unparalleled choice
When was the last time you visited the toothpaste aisle - tarter, sensitive, toxic, fluoride, plaque, and more. Did you leave feeling satisfied that you’ve chosen the right toothpaste?
Unless you’re a dental professional, you’ve got a tough choice. More importantly, research suggests you’re probably like most people and are less satisfied with <more>
How to avoid the “my” trap
Are you a leader who truly values your people?
Then don’t fall into the “my” trap.
When using the word “my”, you are likely either referring to something you possess or something you are in relationship with. For instance, my car is something I possess and my family is something <more>
How to turn something negative into something positive
Functioning at a high level requires that the executive function of your brain is switched on. For this to happen, you must be in a positive emotional state. The moment you enter a negative emotional state, you effectively switch off the part of your brain that controls critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity. The result - <more>
It’s hard to survive with a survival mindset
The world is changing at an unprecedented rate and I don’t expect it to let up anytime soon. For example, last fall Walmart opened its first health centre where you can get an annual check up for your child for $20 and while you’re waiting, you can get your teeth cleaned for $25. And Walmart doesn’t plan to stop at one location—their goal is to be <more>
Belongings are nice but belonging is non-negotiable - especially if you want to live a long life
My pastor gave me a flash of insight into the obvious at church this weekend. He reminded me how important it is that you and I belong and the extent that people will go to in order to feel a sense of belonging - such as joining a gang. There’s nothing new here but his message made me think about the value we attach to <more>
The hesitation to sharing what you're grateful for - why & how to overcome it
It’s critical that leaders are constantly creating positive experiences in order to establish and maintain a positive environment. If as the leader, you’re not doing this, how can you expect others to step up to the challenge of leading with positivity amidst a societal culture that feeds off of negativity? One practice that every leader must master if they truly want those they lead to thrive is <more>
The most important 6 minutes of your day
Arguably the most important part of a building is the foundation. If the foundation is of poor quality, it doesn’t matter how elegant the penthouse looks. And it’s easy to forget about the foundation because after the building is built, you see very little of it.
There’s a parallel foundation in leading a thriving life <more>
How to thrive in the midst of chaos and crap
The secret to leading a thriving life has little to do with how you handle things when everything is smooth sailing. Anyone can thrive when life is going their way.
What separates people who merely survive from people who truly thrive is <more>
Money can buy happiness if...
Most people know that money doesn’t buy happiness. However depending on how you spend your money, it actually can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.
The Wrong Way
The least likely way to find happiness by spending money is to <more>
Why recognition fails and how to avoid its failure
Recognition and appreciation are critical. But if you overlook one fundamental component, it does not work.
Thinking back to MBA days and the introductory course on Organizational Behaviour, I remember that we were taught that we must <more>
1 billion happier people
Why gratitude?
This has been a question I’ve asked myself many times over the past 12 years because I’ve always known it would be easier to have a business that focused on helping people succeed at sales, time management, or having stronger marriages. At least it would have been easier <more>
The leadership cycle of influence
Leadership is about influencing people towards positive action.
Throughout my career I’ve noticed that, at the extremes, there are two possible outcomes to leadership behaviour, which you can characterize as either positive or negative. I’ve since discovered that <more>
What brushing your teeth and gratitude have in common
Ask a dentist and they’ll tell you the best predictor of good oral health is brushing your teeth. That’s why parents train their children to make teeth brushing a habit, including all the tips and tricks to make it as easy as possible so that the habit will stick.
Think back to when you last brushed your teeth. Where was your toothbrush? Was it <more>
The 4 Mindsets of Leadership
Everyone has a dominant mindset. When I say mindset, I’m referring to how you interpret the world around you which ultimately manifests in how you show up in the world. So, as a leader, having the right mindset is critical to your success and to your overall well-being as a human being.
I’ve identified four mindsets that span the spectrum from surviving to thriving. Here’s a brief description of each <more>
How to have a thriving September
As I write this, you are probably enjoying the last week or two of summer… at least if you’re in the northern hemisphere. Whether you were creating memories with your family, being awed by the beauty of nature, or relaxing on a patio, we all need time to rejuvenate.
September is here, so now it’s time to make the most of that rejuvenation and translate it into how you want to contribute to and serve the world.
While it is so easy to get dragged into wishing for more time off or mourn that <more>
How to beat the unrelenting force that keeps most people in survival mode
I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t want to thrive, yet so many people feel stuck in survival mode dealing with an endless cycle of not having enough. While there are many reasons for this, some individual, some complex, and some understood, I believe the biggest reason is the lack of awareness of the unrelenting force that is constantly trying to revert you to survival mode. In fact, it’s the prehistoric evolutionary state of survival and the force is as unrelenting as gravity.
Our brains have evolved significantly over the course of human history however, <more>