You’re likely closer than you think

Hand drawn cartoon of three cars sitting behind gates

A couple weeks ago I was leaving a hotel parking lot. I had my parking stub in hand, which concierge had validated—complimentary ! I expressed my gratitude to her for that !

At the exit, I reach out to insert the stub into the little machine—and it won’t fit in. It’s like the mechanism is jammed. Turn the ticket around the other way and still no luck.

“Oh great, cars are starting to build up in a line behind me.”

Turn the stub upside down and it still feels like I’m trying to push a rope uphill.

Now it’s time to take a deep breath and read the instructions. The little machine has a number of different labels of varying legibility explaining how the device works. Then I see the “call button”, which I press in a nanosecond.

I’m thinking, “They’ll just pop the gate open for me and we’ll be good to go.” Several seconds pass and no response so I check my rearview to see how many cars I’m holding up. As my sight gazes forward past the rearview mirror, I notice the gate I’ve been trying to open, has been open the entire time—it was never closed to begin with !

How often do we strive for something, only to realize it sits in the palms of our hands ?

What is an important outcome you’re looking to achieve ?

Maybe it’s a new job, a raise, more responsibility, children who will listen, a well deserved vacation, whatever—what are you looking for ?

For your answer, take a closer look at that aspect of your life and notice how much of what you’re looking for, is already in the palms of your hands. While my parking gate was wide open, your “gate” may be only partially open, or maybe just barely open.

Regardless, that’s ok. If you would like to achieve your desire, you now have a choice. You can focus your energy and attention on what you don’t have or you can focus on what you have. Be careful what you choose.

  • When we focus on what we lack, we usually feel and act unhappy, dissatisfied, envious and greedy.

  • When we focus on what we have, we usually feel and act happy, satisfied, generous and unselfish.

Which of these feelings and behaviours is more likely to help you achieve what you ultimately desire ? Great. Make that your focus.

And if you opt to focus on what you have, take advantage of gratitude to accelerate your progress. Simply make a list of what you’re grateful for in your situation and review  and update the list daily.


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