I spend all my energy trying to get back
Written By Steve Foran
Last fall, I’m on a retreat and someone shares with the group, “As I was growing up, I spent all my energy doing everything I could to get away from the small town in which I grew up.” He pauses and we can tell he’s getting emotional as he barely gets through the rest of the sentence,
“Today, I’m spending all of my energy trying to get back there.”
This really resonated with me because I can become so focused on what I don’t have, that I lose sight of the beauty that surrounds me each and every day—all of which I am immensely grateful.
I don’t think this needs much more explanation.
So for you, at this point in your life, is there something you’re trying to get away from ? And what are you grateful for about it ?
From Puke to Purpose: A Leadership Story