A confession

It’s November 2006. I just finish my master’s research project on gratitude and leave my job to pursue the dream of one billion happier people—although I described the dream a bit differently back then. 

At the time I’m very confident that I know most of what there is to know about gratitude—hey I just spent two and a half years researching gratitude !

And over the next 15 years, I learn more and more each year. My learning and growth comes from the growing global pool of scientific literature, from my practice, from my clients, from my colleagues—I’m on this amazing journey of discovery.

Paradoxically, I find myself in 2022, realizing that the more I learn about grateful leadership, there is vastly more that I have yet to learn. Regardless of your area of expertise, I think there’s a universal truth in this insight.

In 2006, this truth would have been a tough pill to swallow. Today, I see this realization as gift as it keeps me from growing complacent.

Truly, grateful leadership is a journey of mastery.


I spend all my energy trying to get back


You don’t need to follow the rules