As the world comes back to normal, don’t go back to normal

We just went to our first concert in more than 2 years. It was awesome and for me it felt a bit surreal being in a stadium with 9000 people.

Just as the band is coming on stage I look at Lyn and say a classic “dad line”, “When they come out for the encore, want to head up near the exit so we can beat the rush and get out ahead of the traffic ?”

Lyn just looks at me.

She doesn’t say a word but from the look in her eyes, I hear, “Are you serious ? We just spent 2 years in lockdown unable to get out and about and experience things like entertainment and events, and you want to talk about how we can get out of here ?”

I’m not even sure if that’s what she was thinking, but as soon as I asked the question, that answer bubbled up pretty quickly to me. 

The pandemic was brutal but obviously it still was not enough to keep me from being distracted by the little details that keep me from enjoying the present moment.

No rocket science here folks. Being present is a gift that produces joy, happiness and overall wellbeing—and one of the best ways to stay present is to simply be grateful for what is. 

Is it just me or can you relate ?


Relative power produces entitlement and less gratitude


Is supervision helping or harming your company ?