Getting clear on your purpose and passion

Knowing who you are and what feeds your energy is the secret to uncovering your passion.

I was speaking with a client the other morning as a follow up to a retreat. We were discussing her purpose and her future vision. I say, “Let’s go out to 2030. Tell me what you’re doing and what’s happening in your life.” She says, “That’s the part I’m struggling with. I’m not sure.”

“That’s ok.”

Then she says, “When I look back at my life, my path makes sense but it’s when I look to the future, it’s really unclear.”

This person is highly motivated and very successful and like a lot of people, finds it uncomfortably challenging to be specific about her future purpose and passion.

I ask, “Tell me about the things you love to do that give you energy and feed your soul.”

She says, “I love to mentor. I love teaching. I feel like I’m in my place when I’m supporting and helping others. I really feel like I have a lot to offer young women.”

Knowing her and her talents, her response came as no surprise.

And as we talked further she rediscovered that the path to her future vision and passion lies in her past and in her unique skills and talents. I say rediscovered, because like many people, we know this to be true, but somehow we forget it—I think because we don’t regularly acknowledge our talents. Therefore we need reminding.

While you can try to tackle it directly by asking yourself, “What are my unique talents ?”, you’re likely to make more progress by asking, “What are the things I love to do and give me energy ?”

And this will help point you towards your purpose and passion.

How else have you found your purpose ?


Create experiences to generate gratitude and happiness


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