My life is unfair—is yours

When I stop and really think about it, my life is unfair—completely unfair. This is going to be a bit of a rant so hold tight.

  • I get lots of love and had no part in choosing the home in which I grew up

  • I have done nothing to earn the freedom I have

  • The full resources of a major hospital are at my disposal (for my loved ones too) whenever I need it

  • I have access to fresh food every day of the year in spite of living in a region with a ~100 day growing season for most edible plants

  • I never worry about having clean water to drink

  • I use sanitation systems that manage all of our waste - safely and now sustainably

  • A system of education was provided for me, my children and grandchildren

  • I live in a community with free access to countless parks and recreational facilities

  • I am able to afford a home because of banking systems I had nothing to do with (and don’t even understand)

  • The energy to keep my home comfortable and safe is cheaper (in inflation adjusted dollars) than it was 400 years ago

  • I am able to travel to places in a fraction of the time it took only 70 years ago—and it is more affordable and safer—and I’ve done nothing to advance transportation systems

While I work hard for a living, there are so many people who’ve helped me get here by teaching me, by giving me chances, and by investing in me. I hardly know where to begin to pay them back. It’s just not fair !

So for me, I’ve grown to accept my new perspective on unfairness. I accept it without guilt. I accept it without comparing myself to others. I accept it by simply being grateful for my situation.

What about you ?

PS: in terms of what do I do next—that’s for next week.


How to respond to the unfairness of life


The blindspot you want to avoid