What are you going to give to your next meeting ?

Early in my business I learned that part of my meeting preparation routine has to include “what do I want to give to this interaction ?”

It all started as I was finishing up a call with my coach. We had a great call and as we’re wrapping things up, Joe says to me, “What’s up for the rest of the day.” I say, “I’m just heading out to a meeting with a prospective client.” And trying to impress him with how organized and on-purpose I am, I add, “And I know exactly what I want to get from the meeting.”

Crickets. There must have been 30 seconds of silence, then Joe says

“Steve, I’ve been working with you for a year and I think I know you and your business pretty well. Have you ever thought about asking yourself ‘What do I want to give to this meeting ?’”

Now it’s my time to give him crickets—which he is used to.

“You’re right Joe. Thanks so much for the clarity. I’ll figure it out on the way to the meeting.”

I gave in the meeting that day. I didn’t get any business and I felt terrific.

Since then, here’s what I’ve noticed when other people bring that “what can I give” mindset when they’re meeting with me—I feel more connected to them and out of gratitude, I want to support them even more !

To this day, part of my pre-meeting prep routine is to ask myself what I can give to this encounter and think of ways I can support the person I’m meeting, regardless of whether any business flows.

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