Are you making memories today ?

Do you still live in the home you grew up in ? I don’t. 

Over the years however, whenever I drove by what I considered The Foran House, it just felt so weird not being able to walk up to the front door and just barge in. This awkwardness is something I had not been able to put words to until just recently when my wife’s parents sold their house. While it wasn’t the house Lyn grew up in, her folks lived there for almost 40 years so there were still lots of special moments for her and our family. 

It was quite the sentimental moment for her as she wrapped up the last of the closing details. When all was said and done, she shared a picture of the SOLD sign on the house with me and the kids and she added this phrase (with the emoji, of course),

 “and memories we keep ❤️”

“Brilliant !” I thought. It’s so true—you can sell a house but you never lose the memories made there. And this applies to all the “stuff” in life.

So for you and the place you live now, or the job you have now, or the whatever you have now—remember you get to keep the memories that go along with it AND more importantly, you’re making those memories today !


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