Gratitude is like a co-operative board game

The kids were over the other day and we were talking about playing the game pandemic a few months back. It was the first time I had played a co-operative board game—that’s where everyone plays together “against” the board.

Anyhow, it was a pile of fun and in the end, we overcame the pandemic and won the game.

It got me thinking—gratitude is like a co-operative board game. It’s not a war or a fight against a pandemic. Instead we’re working to overcome the uphill struggle of everyday life and everything that comes at you. It’s being vigilant against growing complacency towards the precious things in life that can be taken for granted so easily—things like family, friends, shelter, employment, freedom, safety, the food on your table, utilities and an almost endless list of 21st century luxuries.

So if you think of everyday life as a board game, while humanity is not perfect, there are countless ways that humanity is collectively working to alleviate and eliminate poverty, war, hunger, homelessness and disease. 

I believe that it is a moral imperative for humanity to always be improving how we co-operate so all peoples collectively “win”. 

This is a monumental task. 

I’m not aware of a playbook with a proven solution that will unite humanity but I do know that I have a role—I just need to ask, “What can I do to help ?” 

So back to the co-operative board game that we’re all in together—and trying to win. Imagine that you have one wish and are willing to make one commitment. What would they be ?

For me, if I had one wish—I’d wish that gratitude were a virus and we’d have one more pandemic—one that spreads gratitude.

I believe that more gratitude will help. It isn’t the only solution but more gratitude will remind us of our connectedness and strengthen humanity solidarity. And that will help us win !

And I commit to my daily gratitude practice and to supporting anyone who wants to start or master their gratitude practice.

So for you, when it comes winning this co-operative board game of life, what is your wish and what commitment will you make to help that wish come true ?


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