I didn’t even know I was looking for it

Last week I’m doing a debrief with a client. I ask, “What did you like best about the program on grateful leadership ?” Without skipping a beat, he says,

“I was looking for it and I didn’t even know I was looking for it.” 

His words stop me in my tracks. I’m not sure what to say next, so I say, “Tell me more. “ but unfortunately, I’m not listening to a word he says, as I’m obsessing over what his initial response means to me. We finish our call and I thank him for his feedback.

So I’ve been thinking, what am I looking for that I don’t even know I’m looking for ! 

As I look back on my journey it occurs to me that, like my client, I too was looking for gratitude. The only difference in my case is that I knew I was looking for something, but I didn’t know what I was looking for and I definitely didn’t think that it was gratitude. For me, it took quite a few years to find it. 

When I talk to others about their search, some say they found it quickly and some, like me, say it felt like a struggle for a few years.

So for you—what are you looking for that you don’t even know you’re looking for ?

Maybe, just maybe it’s gratitude.


How to retain great people


The Reluctant Gratitude Practitioner