How to prevent the number one reason people stop their gratitude practice

After hundreds of gratitude programs and teaching thousands of people about building a gratitude practice, we’ve found that for some people, their practice sticks and for some, it doesn’t stick.

We’re continually improving the stickiness of our training but when we follow up, we discover a much larger number of people than I would like, have discontinued their gratitude practice. 

So when I ask, 

Why did you stop your gratitude practice ?” 

The number one response is, 

Life got busy and I just forgot.” 

I’d say with a smile.

I know ! Remember, I told you that would happen ?” 

Even in spite of explaining this up front, most people still believe they can start and maintain a gratitude practice on their own or don’t need any type of support. Some can but the fact is, no matter how well-meaning someone is, most people can’t maintain their gratitude practice on their on.

There is no shame in seeking help or support.

I think the best place to get this type of support is in a community because in a community you accomplish the two elements of the Habitual Ritual, which is:

  1. Record your gratitudes

  2. Consume other people’s gratitudes (read or listen to what other people are grateful for)

A community will help you master your gratitude practice, inspire you on the days you need it most, remind you of the importance of your practice and keep you accountable to it. Based on my experience, your gratitude practice should consume about 5 minutes of your day and in my view, the benefits far outweigh the cost.

As for your community—it could be:

  1. Spouse or partner

  2. Friend

  3. Your immediate work group

  4. An online community like One Billion Happier People

So no matter where you are with your gratitude practice, I strongly encourage you to find and become part of a healthy gratitude community.

If you’re not a member of One Billion Happier People—please join us.


The Reluctant Gratitude Practitioner


Reduce your negative thinking